Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 16th Fountaine-de-Vaucluse Lunch

Sausage + Frites

Porc + Pates

Moules + Pates

Mousse au chocolat

October 16th Fountaine-de-Vaucluse

M R Ducks


The Car Park

October 15th Avignon - Le Rhone and le Pont d'Avignon

Le Rhone (upstream)

Sur le pont (looking back at Avignon)

End of the bridge where it broke off

Le Rhone (downstream)

One of the chapels built into the bridge

The other chapel built into the bridge

Looking at the lost end

Looking back at Avignon

October 15th Avignon - Small Neighborhood Church

October 15th Avignon - Papal Palace on the rooftop

October 15th Avignon - Papal Palance Art Collection


October 15th Avignon - Palace of the Pope - Other Rooms


October 15th Avignon - Palace Kitchen

October 15th Avignon - Garden of the Papal Palace

The Papal Cat

For the pleasure of the Holy Father